Malware Analysis Tools

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Malware analysis tool which investigages the resources of EXE files

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Process Hacker

Graphs and statistics allow you quickly to track down resource hogs and runaway processes.

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Process Monitor v3.92

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity.

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There are plenty of tools for behavioral malware analysis. The defacto standard ones, though, are Sysinternals’s Process Monitor (also known as Procmon) and PCAP generating network sniffers like Windump, Tcpdump, Wireshark, and the like. These “two” tools cover almost everything a malware analyst might be interested in when doing behavioral malware analysis

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Autoruns for Windows v14.09

This utility, which has the most comprehensive knowledge of auto-starting locations of any startup monitor, shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and when you start various built-in Windows applications like Internet Explorer, Explorer and media players. These programs and drivers include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys. Autoruns reports Explorer shell extensions, toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, and much more. Autoruns goes way beyond other autostart utilities.

Official Website

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Wireshark is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.

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An open-source binary debugger for Windows, aimed at malware analysis and reverse engineering of executables you do not have the source code for. There are many features available and a comprehensive plugin system to add your own. You can find more information on the blog!

Official Website

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Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering Framework

Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework created and maintained by the National Security Agency Research Directorate. This framework includes a suite of full-featured, high-end software analysis tools that enable users to analyze compiled code on a variety of platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Capabilities include disassembly, assembly, decompilation, graphing, and scripting, along with hundreds of other features. Ghidra supports a wide variety of processor instruction sets and executable formats and can be run in both user-interactive and automated modes. Users may also develop their own Ghidra extension components and/or scripts using Java or Python.

Official Website

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r2 is a complete rewrite of radare. It provides a set of libraries, tools and plugins to ease reverse engineering tasks. Distributed mostly under LGPLv3, each plugin can have different licenses (see r2 -L, rasm2 -L, ...). The radare project started as a simple command-line hexadecimal editor focused on forensics. Today, r2 is a featureful low-level command-line tool with support for scripting. r2 can edit files on local hard drives, view kernel memory, and debug programs locally or via a remote gdb server. r2's wide architecture support allows you to analyze, emulate, debug, modify, and disassemble any binary.

Official Website


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